
A note on API versions

At the time of writing, the RESTful API is at version 2. It is highly likely that this API will undergo backward incompatible changes in the future, as the LOM-CH standard evolves. In order to plan for this in advance, the dsb Client library has an abstract, base class for client implementations, and version specific implementations that inherit from it.

Make sure to choose the correct client version, depending on which version of the RESTful API your connecting to. For instance, for communicating with the version 2 of the RESTful API, you should use ClientV2.


All communication with the API requires prior authentication. Upon registering with educa.ch to become a content partner, you received a private RSA key, a username (usually an email address) along with a passphrase. You need to pass this information to the client class.

use Educa\DSB\Client\ApiClient\ClientV2;
use Educa\DSB\Client\ApiClient\ClientAuthenticationException;

$client = new ClientV2('https://dsb-api.educa.ch/v2', 'user@site.com', '/path/to/privatekey.pem', 'passphrase');

try {
} catch(ClientAuthenticationException $e) {
    // The authentication failed.

Loading a description

It is also possible to load a full LOM-CH description. This will contain a lot more information than the search results.

use Educa\DSB\Client\ApiClient\ClientV2;
use Educa\DSB\Client\ApiClient\ClientAuthenticationException;
use Educa\DSB\Client\ApiClient\ClientRequestException;
use Educa\DSB\Client\Lom\LomDescription;

$client = new ClientV2('https://dsb-api.educa.ch/v2', 'user@site.com', '/path/to/privatekey.pem', 'passphrase');

try {
    $lomDescription = $client->loadDescription('asd789asd9hasd-asd7asdas-asd897asd978');
} catch(ClientRequestException $e) {
    // The request failed.
} catch(ClientAuthenticationException $e) {
    // The authentication failed.

It is possible to fetch LOM-CH field data using special methods:

echo $lomDescription->getLomId();
echo $lomDescription->getPreviewImage();

Fields that contain data in multiple languages can be instructed to return the information in one language only by specifying a language fallback array. The first language that matches will be returned. If no match is found, the field will be returned in “raw” format (meaning, multilingual fields will be returned as an associative array, with field values keyed by language).

// This will first look for a German title, then fallback to French and
// finally Italian.
echo $lomDescription->getTitle(['de', 'fr', 'it']);

// This will look for French first and fallback to English.
echo $lomDescription->getDescription(['fr', 'en']);

Not all fields have shortcut methods. For fields that the Educa\DSB\Client\Lom\LomDescriptionInterface interface does not define shortcuts for, you can use the getField() method. For nested fields, use a dot (.) notation:

echo $lomDescription->getField('lomId');

// Use a dot (.) notation to fetch nested fields.
echo $lomDescription->getField('lifeCycle.version');

// Fields that are arrays can use numeric field names to get specific items.
echo $lomDescription->getField('technical.keyword.0');

// Fields that are multilingual can use a language fallback array as the
// second parameter.
echo $lomDescription->getField('general.title', ['de', 'fr']);

Sending anonymous usage data

It is possible for partners to participate in the effort to provide a better service by sending anonymous user data. This is fully optional, and no data is tracked by default. Applications can send 1 or more of these headers, as they see fit. Applications can send the following HTTP headers:

  • X-DSB-TRACK-ID: A tracker ID, managed by the client application, to track the user across searches and page loads. This can be a completely arbitrary value, like a random hash. No personal details should be stored in this header.
  • X-DSB-REFERER: The HTTP referrer value.
  • X-DSB-TRACK-IP: An IP to track the user. IPs are anonymized by the dsb API, meaning no personal data is stored. For example, will be stored as 192.168.1.xxx.

Not all headers are required. Applications can send only 1, 2, or all 3 of them, in any possible combination.

use Educa\DSB\Client\ApiClient\ClientV2;

$client = new ClientV2('https://dsb-api.educa.ch/v2', 'user@site.com', '/path/to/privatekey.pem', 'passphrase');

// When using a salt to generate a tracker ID, in order for this ID to
// remain consistent across page loads, the salt should be computed only
// once, either per session, per user, or even once for the entire
// application.
$salt = uniqid();
$client->addRequestHeader('X-DSB-TRACK-ID', md5($salt . session_id()));
$client->addRequestHeader('X-DSB-REFERER', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
$client->addRequestHeader('X-DSB-TRACK-IP', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']());

try {
    // Start making requests, which will send the above usage data.
} catch(\Exception $e) {
    // The request failed.