
Files can be uploaded to the dsb (Digitale Schulbibliothek) API server to be hosted there. The dsb API provides methods for images to be resized on the fly. This is a functionality partners can leverage to display images of certain sizes to their users, instead of using the original, high-resolution version. Check out the official dsb API documentation for more information.

Uploading files

Files can be uploaded using the uploadFile method. At the time of writing, the dsb API only allows image files. Make sure you upload an image in a supported format.

use Educa\DSB\Client\ApiClient\ClientV2;
use Educa\DSB\Client\ApiClient\ClientAuthenticationException;
use Educa\DSB\Client\ApiClient\ClientRequestException;

$client = new ClientV2('', '', '/path/to/privatekey.pem', 'passphrase');

try {
    $result = $client->authenticate()->fileUpload('/path/to/file.jpg');

    // The result contains the URL at which the file is accessible.
    echo $result['fileUrl'];
} catch(ClientRequestException $e) {
    // The request failed.
} catch(ClientAuthenticationException $e) {
    // The authentication failed.
} catch(\RuntimeException $e) {
    // Either the file is not readable or doesn't exist.